The Trophy:
Weighing 75 pounds and made of bronze, the trophy depicts Coach Broyles (kneeling) and Wilson Matthews (standing).
The trophy is recast each season at cost of $5,000 and is presented to the winner.
The Story:
When David Bazzel approached Frank Broyles about naming an award after him, one honoring assistant coaches, Broyles was skeptical Bazzel could pull it off in the time frame he suggested.
Broyles also told him he wanted the focus solely on the assistant coaches, not him.
Bazzel rolled out of the meeting and went to work, commissioned a trophy and put together a group of coaches to vote when he hit a huge speed bump.
The trophy wasn’t close to what he had envisioned or requested.
Instead of calling Broyles and giving him the bad news, Bazzel went to get a haircut. Also getting her hair cut was Jan Woods, a noted sculptor (she’s finishing a huge piece for Oaklawn Park).
After a couple of sketches, an agreement was made between the two. Within a couple of weeks Bazzel had the trophy, the same model given out to each year’s winner. (Wally Hall, 12-11-19)